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YAAclassical: voice

February 2021
Location: VIRTUAL

Les Femmes Françaises: Recital Programming for the 21st Century

College thru Pre-Professional
Admission by audition or invitation only.

Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00pm
Saturdays, 3:00-5:30pm

  • 4-5 hours of personalized instruction per week

  • 4-week winter session

  • Access to Guest Mentors from leading professional companies and collegiate/young artists programs

  • A professionally produced recording of a French art song with bespoke accompaniment.

  • Access to YAA’s Technology Portal, including recommended technologies, and best practices for recording professional quality audio at home.

  • Unlimited access to all YAA Dance Technique classes included (optional)

  • Plus FREE access to additional YAAEnrichment & YAAWorkshop classes in musical theatre (optional)


  • $795 (4 weeks, February 2021)

    • Discounts available for multiple sessions.



Arianna Zukerman (Director, YAAClassical: Voice)


Dr. Joy Schreier (Principal Coach)

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Rolando Sanz (Coach)


Susan Graham, mezzo-soprano


Warren Jones, pianist


Anthony Roth Costanzo, countertenor


Bryan Wagorn, pianist

Program Description

A uniquely designed 4-week program for the pre-professional classical vocalist who is looking to refine their skills in recital preparation, repertoire selection, and presentation.

This program is designed to benefit students currently in a voice studio to enhance their skills in preparing and curating a personalized recital.

Winter Session Deadline for Audition Submissions is Saturday, January 16, 2021 by 11:59pm.

Winter 2021: Recital Programming for the 21st Century

What makes for a captivating recital? How do you curate a program that doesn't look and sound like your undergraduate recital that may have been programmed by your teacher? What are the elements of thematic programming that make a recital successful and purposeful? How do you share information with an audience without sounding like you're giving an academic lecture?

This 4-week program will explore these questions and more, using the glorious repertoire of four French female composers of the 19th and 20th centuries: Pauline Viardot, Cécille Chaminade, Germaine Tailleferre, and Lili Boulanger. Theirs is music that is underrepresented in the canon and not often performed or heard. We will bring it to life in in-depth studio class coachings, and then use the songs as the centerpiece for you to curate your own creative, thoughtful, and entertaining recital program.

You will record your song accompanied with a bespoke track provided by Principal Coach, Joy Schreier and we will mix and master the final audio, providing you with a professionally produced recording. 

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The Creative Process

  • Each week, students will come together for a two-part Studio Class with YAAClassical: Voice faculty, including Arianna Zukerman, Joy Schreier, and Rolando Sanz. The first part of the class will focus on historical, textual and biographical context and how to take that information and become an engaging speaker so that talking to an audience becomes second nature. The second part of class will focus on singing the assigned repertoire.

    • Week 1: French diction, text, & context

    • Week 2: Live coachings & audio recordings

    • Week 3: Live coachings & audio recordings

    • Week 4: Feedback on audio recordings

Repertoire: Les Femmes Françaises

  • All accepted students will be assigned a song in advance by one of our four French, female composers:

    • Pauline Viardot (1821-1910)

    • Cécille Chaminade (1857-1944)

    • Germaine Tailleferre (1892-1983)

    • Lili Boulanger (1893-1918)

  • Students will arrive at the first session with the song learned and the text translated (poetic and literal translations) as well as a complete IPA finished. Singers must be prepared to coach and record on DAY ONE.

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Programming Your Recital

  • Students will learn how to curate a recital program that is artistically engaging and marketable in a professional setting.

  • Using elements of the Winter Session's assigned French song(s) as a centerpiece, students will create their own recital program. Faculty will provide guidance on what elements provide the most useful, entertaining, and satisfying program possible.

Conversations with Guest Mentors

  • Four luminaries from the world of singing and collaborative piano will join us for a frank conversation series. Hear from these great artists what they feel makes a successful program, how they source and curate repertoire, what they aim to achieve in presenting music in recital and how it differs from their work on the concert and opera stages. The goal of this conversation series is to help singers understand the many elements that go into programming and executing a successful recital, as well as being a well rounded classical singer.

Digital Recording Technologies

  • Students will receive practical advice and individualized training on best practices in audio recording that can be utilized in both the in-person and virtual worlds.

  • Enrolled students will be lent a professional quality microphone to assist in capturing best audio from a home studio.


Auditions for YAAClassical: Voice

Acceptance and placement into the YAAClassical: Voice program is by audition or invitation only.

All auditions for the 2020-2021 season will be VIDEO AUDITIONS through our new online audition platform, Acceptd.

For more information about Audition Registration, CLICK HERE.

Minimum enrollment: 5 students per session.

Scroll to bottom of this page to see Class Calendar.

Winter Session Deadline for Audition Submissions is Saturday, January 16, 2021 by 11:59pm.


Class Calendar