MTI is back in 2021 @ YAA!!
HYBRID (in-person + online)

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Learn more about our award-winning program below. Click on an icon for more information.

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Maryland Trumpet Institute @ YAA is a 5-day, HYBRID (in-person + online) intensive designed for students who love all things trumpet and want to learn more about taking your skills to the next level!

Students from 6th through 12th grade learn everyday and gain a new depth of knowledge about the trumpet. At the same time, they meet new friends, build new interest in music, and have fun!

Open to rising 6th-12th graders and rising college freshmen.

  • Each morning will be spent studying the Technique of playing trumpet and Music Theory in VIRTUAL classes online. Technique topics covered will include: breathing, tonguing, flexibility, range, etc. Additional virtual sessions will include: the history of the trumpet and natural/baroque trumpet playing, jazz improvisation, the science behind how the trumpet works, and more!

  • Afternoons will bring students on-campus in-person to devote time for trumpet ensembles to rehearse together.

    • All in-person playing will be done outdoors and will follow all appropriate health guidelines, including physical distancing, provided bell covers, and appropriate hygiene measures.

  • The culminating event will be a digital recital filmed the final day of camp of both ability based small trumpet ensembles and larger ensembles, featuring

    • Faculty-led instruction

    • Professional Audio and Video, filmed in-person by a professional film crew and produced and edited.

    • A watch party of the premiere of the production at a later date.

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    • Monday, July 12 - 16, 2021:

      • Classes and rehearsals from 8:30am-4:45pm.

        • Mornings VIRTUALLY from home

        • Afternoons IN-PERSON on campus

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Mornings Online

Maryland Trumpet Institute students will spend their mornings ONLINE from home receiving training on technique, history, and the science of how the trumpet works.

Virtual classes may include:

  • Technique — breathing, tonguing, flexibility, range, etc

  • History — history of the trumpet and natural/baroque trumpet playing

  • Improvisation — jazz improvisation

  • Music Theory — introductory through advanced levels

  • Guest Lectures — from nationally renowned experts in the field

Virtual classes may combine synchronous (live interaction) and asynchronous (pre-recorded) sessions with leading teachers in each discipline.

Virtual class sizes will remain small (14-16 students per class) to ensure personalized attention between teacher and students.

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Afternoons will be devoted to in-person ensemble rehearsals on-campus, resulting in a final digital recital featuring program participants.

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All listed times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Dates and times are subject to change as below is only a sample schedule.

WEEKDAYS (Monday-Friday)

  • MORNING (online):

    • 8:30am: Morning Meeting

    • 8:45am: Class 1

      • Technique, Theory, History, Improv

    • 9:45am: Class 2

      • Technique, Theory, History, Improv

    • 10:45am: Class 3

      • Technique, Theory, History, Improv

    • 11:45am: Class 4

      • Technique, Theory, History, Improv

    • 12:45pm: Afternoon Meeting

  • 1:00-2:00pm: LUNCH BREAK + Travel to Campus


    • 2:00-2:30pm: Drop-off

    • 2:30-4:45pm: On-campus Ensemble Rehearsals

    • 4:45pm: Dismissal & PIck-up


YAA will continue this summer with strict health & safety protocols to provide the safest possible environment for students and staff during our in-person programming.

CLICK HERE to learn more about YAA’s Health & Safety Protocols.


The 140-acre wooded campus at Sandy Spring Friends School, in Northern Montgomery County, Maryland, featuring a state-of-the-art Performing Arts Center, fully-equipped 300-seat proscenium theater, dance studio, and multiple rehearsal rooms.

Our morning sessions will take place online from home over Zoom.

Our afternoon, evening, and weekend in-person sessions will take place on campus both outdoors, as well as occasionally indoors as safety and health guidelines allow.


Participation will require access to the following technologies:

  • High speed Internet access

  • Computer, smartphone and/or tablet

  • WIRED headphones

  • Optional: external USB microphone, ring light, tripod


Amidst the busy rehearsal and filming schedule, some time will be set aside for some fun, challenging, and community building outdoor recreational activities.

Activities may include:


Guest Clinicians

Jeff Nelsen, Canadian Brass

Phil Snedecor, Hartt School of Music

Anthony Prisk, Philadelphia Orchestra

Others TBA

Artistic Faculty & Staff

Brent Flinchbaugh, Trumpet Institute Director

David Matchim, Instructor

Malcolm Washington, Music Theory

Terry Eberhardt, Summer Intensives Director

Karen Collins BlakeSummer Intensives Administrator

Eric Posner, Summer Operations Manager


Past Guest Clinicians Include

  • 2020: Phil Snedecor, Hartt School of Music

  • 2019: Rene Shapiro, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

  • 2018: Nate Hepler, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

  • 2017: Kevin Gebo, US Army Band, Yamaha Artist

Click here to read more about our Summer Intensives Faculty & Staff.

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Maryland Trumpet Institute @ YAA is open to 6th-12th students of all levels. A video audition is required at time of application for class and ensemble placement purposes only.

Applications and Video auditions for class placement in Maryland Trumpet Institute must be completed by July 9, 2021 at 11:59pm EDT.

There is a $30 application fee. Please note that the fee is only required on your first YAA application. If you participated in another YAA program this year, please enter the following coupon code in the payment section of the application: 02YAAs01 Applicants can apply for a waiver to this application fee by submitting financial documentation to Acceptd. Please visit the Acceptd Support Desk for more information.

For video audition requirements for the program, please the button below:

You will be notified about your acceptance and/or placement in a program no later than two weeks after submitting your completed application. Those who are accepted into an SPAI program will have to accept their position by paying their tuition deposit no later than 7 days after acceptance.


All registered students and one parent/guardian must attend our Virtual Family Orientation meetings

  • Date: TBA

    • Location: VIRTUAL

Attendance is mandatory for all participants and their families.

Virtual meeting dial-in information will be provided directly to registered families closer to summer.


Maryland Trumpet Institute

  • Regular Tuition:

    • $450 Regular Tuition for the 5-day session



  • A deposit of $250 is due upon registration

    • (refundable until April 15, 2021, minus a $25 cancellation fee).

  • 2nd payment of half of the remaining balance is due by May 1, 2021 (non-refundable).

  • Final balance due on June 1, 2020 (non-refundable).

Tuition Includes:

  • All virtual morning classes, PLUS all in-person afternoon rehearsals and social activities

  • Extended recreational activities, which may include:

    • Zip-lining at Adventure Park

    • ...and more

  • A 5-day HYBRID summer intensive experience that you won't soon forget!

Cancellation Policy: Should you need to withdraw from the program for any reason, please inform us in writing. If you have any funds due to you based on the above policy, we will return them immediately to the credit card on file in your account.

  • PLEASE NOTE FOR IN-PERSON PARTICIPANTS: Should we need to cease in-person programming for health and safety reasons, YAA will replace the cancelled in-person sessions with similar virtual ones and there will be no tuition refunds or adjustments for this change.

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  • Those who wish to be considered for a scholarship or financial aid need to submit an application to us no later than Saturday, March 31, 2021.

  • Please contact Lisa Larragoite at for more information.

  • Tuition Assistance is limited.


+ Do I have to audition??

While you do need to submit a video of your trumpet playing, it’s not an audition to get into camp. This video will show us where you are in your development on the trumpet and will help us place you into the correct trumpet ensemble.

+ How will trumpet camp be different than in previous summers?

This summer will differ from previous summers in a few important ways. First, instead of having one guest clinician we will have five: one virtual clinic per day with some of the leading trumpet players in the world! Also, although we will have virtual mornings during camp, we will have live rehearsals during the afternoon to prepare trumpet ensemble music. On the final day of camp you will have plenty of time to have fun in Adventure Park with friends made during the week of camp.

+ Will there be a final concert this year?

Although we won’t be able to do a final live performance as in years past, each of you will receive a professionally made video of our final day in camp.

+ What technology (devices) will I need to participate?

See section above labeled Technology.