To continue with our #YAAPlaysOn movement, we have asked several of our alumni to share news about themselves, their time at YAA and how they continue to “play on” despite these unexpected circumstances.



What have you been up to?

I am currently studying Theatre at Suffolk University with a concentration in Directing. I recently Assistant Stage Managed my school’s production of Violet!

Tell us about something you learned at YAA that you apply to your life today.

Every single role in the show and all of the crew are equally important and deserve the same amount of respect.

What are you doing to “play on” during this time? 

During these times I’ve been trying to stay creative, writing for my own musical that is in the works as well as workshopping for another show. Remote auditions are still going on and I’m happy to say I’ve gotten a few callbacks and it feels good to know that everyone is looking towards the future still.

Know an alumni who would like to be featured here? Have them fill out this survey. Our 10 year anniversary is coming up, and we’d love to reconnect!